Community Pool
The board views the pool as a representation of the wonderful community we live in. If we all do our part by following the rules it enhances the enjoyability of the pool for everyone.
Pool Rules
No Running or Reckless Play
No Foul Language
Absolutely No Pool Furniture is Allowed in the Pool
No Cut-Offs in Pool
No Glass Allowed in the Pool or on the Deck Area
No Person Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
No Spitting or Blowing Nose in Pool
No Persons with a Communicable Disease Allowed in the Pool
No Persons with Skin, Eye, Ear or Nasal Infections Allowed in the Pool
No Animals or Pets Allowed in the Pool
No Children Under 14 Years Old Allowed in the Pool without Parent or Guardian
Shower Before Entering the Pool
Pool is Open from 10 am to 9 pm
Sunday from 12 pm to 9 pm
Exclusive Use
The pool is the property of and reserved exclusively for use by the HOA and its residents and guests. Do not give the pool code to non-residents and please ensure all guests are accompanied by a resident at all times. Any pool user not accompanied by a resident will be asked to leave.
Parties at the pool MUST be pre-approved via Accelerated Management's Portal. This ensures proper cleanup and accountability in the event of a mishap or other occurrence.
Please pick up after yourselves. The HOA does not contract daily cleaning of the pool area; that responsibility falls to all of us. The pool area is professionally cleaned on a weekly basis.
Rule Violations
There have been some residents, primarily teens/young adults, who have tested select pool rules, most notably foul language, obnoxious behavior and hours of operation. When confronted, all present respectfully and immediately apologized and complied. We ask you to discuss these rules with your teens/young adults and emphasize the family nature of the pool.
Pool Area Problems
If you find something is broken, whether equipment or furniture, please send an email to Accelerated Mgmt who will coordinate for the repair or removal of the item.
The Villages of Northshore social committee provides the community with several events per year. Outdoor signage announcing the events is placed at various locations of the neighborhood and notices are sent via email to registered residents.
Click HERE to access the Accelerated Management Portal and our calendar of events.
Greenbelt Fence
The greenbelt fence along Northshore Blvd is the property of and is maintained by the association. Both the front and back sides are periodically pressure washed and stained to maintain its beauty and preserve the association's investment.
When the development was initially built, it included a fence along FM2499 consisting of masonry pillars and wood railings. Several years later, when TxDOT expanded FM2499 from 2 to 6 lanes the community voiced their concerns about the noise levels the new, higher-volume road represented. As a result, the board agreed to turn over ownership of the wall to the Town who upgraded it to the full masonry construction it is now as a sound damping measure. They did the same with the wall to the south of our development. Since then, the Town has maintained the wall at no expense to the association.
Some time later, the board recognized the potential eyesore the greenbelt fence represented if not uniformly and consistently maintained. With the potential expense for maintaining the 2499 fence rendered moot, the board chose to utilize the funds to move the existing fence from homeowner-owned property onto commonly-owned property and has maintained it in pristine condition, inside and out, ever since. It's condition contributes significantly to the beauty and desirability of our neighborhood.
For more details view the Specifications and Contract Documents for this project:
FM2499 Section 2 Sound Wall Phase II - Lakeview Estates and Villages of Northshore